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Learn MY Full Maths Magic Show And
Instantly Start Performing It In Schools

Here's What You're Getting Today...

  • Full Performance Video

    The first thing you're getting is a video of a full performance of the Maths show itself.

    You'll see me doing the show so you can see how it all works together, how the scripting works and how I manage the children when they get on stage with me.

  • Detailed Explanations

    I leave no stone unturned with explaining every element of the show so you don't have to think, you don't have to create - just do.

  • Director's Cut

    I've recorded a special version of the Performance where I pause the video and talk you through what I am thinking at key moments and why I do certain things in the performance.

    This means you get to understand not only what I do and how I do it, but my mindset and why I do the things I do, based on my 35 years experience.